Subheadings and Outlines

Heading 1

Subheading 1

You can divide sections into smaller units with subheadings. To create a subheading use two leading percent signs (##) instead of one. This concept can be extended up to five levels deep (#####).

Third Level Subheading

Fourth Level Subheading
Fifth Level Subheading

Subheading 2

For brevity, the default table of contents lists only major headings. You can choose a longer, more detailed document outline (as seen on this page) by adding the "%OUTLINE" tag with the switch "long."

Heading 2

It is also possible to suppress the table of contents altogether by using the "%OUTLINE" tag with the "none" switch. This format is useful when you want to use headings but don't want extra elements added to the page.

Heading 3

This is the last section.
Edited on February 18, 1996 / Updated on March 5, 1996
MTX 1.3 User's Manual / Copyright 1996 by the University of Florida
Contact: Richard Rathe /